The Spy Game with Forbes Magazine

Forbes magazine asked me and two other photographers to photograph ex-NSA & Unit 8200 employees who have jumped to the private sector. Incorporating a Hollywood espionage style to tell the story I was able to transform “civilians” into iconic spy movie characters. The Man from Tel Aviv, The Operative, The Lifer at Langley, The Ivy League Influencer, The Cleaner and The Puppet Master.

Here I had to recreate this image in post production as so I can display only my subjects. Luckily I had in my files a current background plate that matched the mood and setting of a black bag drop. Fortunately “The Ivy League Influencer” came along with the deal. As with any spy game you don’t always know who is telling the truth.

The Man from Tel Aviv, The Operative, The Lifer at Langley, The Ivy League Influencer, The Cleaner and The Puppet Master.

The Man from Tel Aviv, The Operative, The Lifer at Langley, The Ivy League Influencer, The Cleaner and The Puppet Master.